Tools for Practice

Our clinical team has identified protocols, advanced practices, and assessment and evaluation tools to help support your practice.

Oncotalk Website designed to assist medical professionals with the difficult conversations around dying and end of life care. It contains...
Optimising the role and value of the interdisciplinary team: Providing person-centred end of life care Effective interdisciplinary teamwork, with its emphasis on person-centred communication, is increasingly seen as a way of...
Orienting Ourselves to Hospice Palliative Care Work This short video scenario is intended as a reflective tool to help health care providers be centred and culturally-sensitive...
Ottawa Family Decision Guide A guide to assist families facing tough health and social decisions.
Ottawa Personal Decision Guide Designed to help those facing any health-related and/or social decisions. It can help people assess their decision making...
The Palliation of Stroke Addresses symptom management, prognostication, and communication with family.
Palliative Care for Infants, Children, and Adolescents: A Practical Handbook (2nd Ed.) This textbook provides guidance to professionals involved in pediatric end-of-life care. It includes the epidemiology of...
Palliative Care: Transforming the Care of Serious Illness (lecture) Leffert Lecture, December 2014, Massachusetts General Hospital, presented by Dr Diane Meir, Department of Geriatrics and...
Palliative Performance Scale and Care Conference The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) serves as a way for the interprofessional team to communicate with each other or with...
Pauktuutit's Cancer Glossary Glossary containing 250 terms translated into 5 Inuktitut dialects, including the new single word to accurately describe...
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