Talking about the dying process and accepting that dying was a part of living was inspiring to the palliative care team. Ian was instrumental in ensuring that his father was cared for in a very empathetic and loving way such that his father was peaceful and accepting of his fate from the time of our involvement.
Ian’s love of nature was also evident in his actions of visiting many parks to remember his dad, who had created a wonderful park like setting around the family home.
During the whole process Ian became a staunch friend of Palliative Care and expressed a desire to both honour his father and to give back to Palliative Care by raising awareness of both the availability of, as well as the lack of, comprehensive palliative care services across Canada. Part of his plan was also to raise funds to help support programs at the local level where funding is often lacking.
It was heartwarming to witness Ian preparing for this monumental task as he planned and organized the trip such that he would have the maximum impact. His generosity and kind heartedness has now been spread across the country through his meeting with many common and influential people in his travels.
It truly is an honour to be part of Ian’s circle and I commend Virtual Hospice for recognizing his efforts on behalf of us all.
- Dr. Gerald Farrell