For Volunteers

Volunteers are vital members of the palliative care team. The Canadian Virtual Hospice recognizes that palliative care volunteers spend their time supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The dedication and support shown by volunteers is one reason palliative care is so widely regarded as compassionate care.

For Volunteers is intended for volunteers and volunteer managers to showcase and share valuable resource material so that we may benefit from each other’s experiences. 

Manager Resources
BCHPCA Volunteer Standards BC Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA)  has created volunteer standards for hospice palliative care volunteers. Consistent...
Bereavement Volunteer Handbook This handbook was developed by the staff and volunteers working with Palliative Manitoba to guide volunteers working in bereavement...
Developing a Home Hospice Program: A Startup Manual All the information necessary to initiate a community-based hospice program is outlined in this 323 page book. Establishing...
Draft Model for Volunteer Best Practices The Task Group on Volunteer Best Practices and Quality was formed in 2002 by Health Canada, as part of the development of...
Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers: A Training Program A training manual developed by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association to ensure that volunteers receive consistent...
Implementing the End-of-Life Care Strategy: Lessons from Good Practice Based on the 2008 British government publication 'End of Life Care Strategy', this publication provides guidance for improving...
Indicators and Targets for the Volunteer Hospice Visiting Service This Accreditation Model is specific to Volunteer Visiting Home Hospice Services and includes; standards, criteria, targets...
The Many Roles of Hospice Volunteers Article written by Stephen Claxton-Oldfield outlines the many diverse roles for hospice volunteers based on British practice.
The Ontario Palliative Care Competency Framework: A Reference Guide for Health Professionals and Volunteers This reference guide for health professionals and volunteers describes the knowledge, personal attributes and skills providers...
Ontario Palliative Care Network Action Plan 1: 2017 – 2020: Action Areas, Actions and Timelines This Action Plan (2017 to 2020) is the work plan that will guide how the partners of the Ontario Palliative Care Network...
Volunteer Resources
The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit will equip you with essential information about the Compassionate Community framework... Getpalliativecare. org is an American website which provides  palliative care information for people coping with serious,...
How to Be an Even Better Listener: A Practical Guide for Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteers Using a combination of compelling vignettes and reflective exercises, Robert Mundle provides readers with practical strategies...

For more information about becoming a volunteer, contact your local or provincial palliative care office.

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