Règles de discussion

Whether this is your first time participating in an online community or you're a seasoned Internet user, these Discussion Guidelines offer 9 short rules of conduct that help keep our community supportive and respectful.

  1. Remain courteous at all times.
    • Please exercise tolerance and respect toward other participants whose views may differ from your own.
  2. Be polite.
    • Do not use obscene or hateful language.
    • Profanity and personal attacks are not acceptable.
  3. No commercial postings, advertisements or solicitations.
    • Postings such as advertisements for your business, get-rich-quick schemes or solicitations for a charity will be removed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify the validity of each and every organization that solicits donations; therefore, to protect you from fraud, we must prohibit solicitations for charities.
  4. No illegal activity.
    • Do not to use Virtual Hospice for any unlawful purpose.
  5. No copyrighted postings.
    • Do not post copyrighted information. Copyrighted material, private email text and other privileged information may not be posted without prior written permission from the original author.
    • Acknowledge the original source when quoting content from elsewhere.
  6. Protect yourself and others.
    • You are not required to use your full name or real name when posting
    • Feel free to introduce and talk about yourself. But for your safety and privacy, do not post personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, social insurance numbers or any other private information.
    • Do not post personal information of other people.
    • Keep your password confidential. Don’t share it with anyone.
  7. Be yourself.
    • Do not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
  8. Follow the rules.
    • By posting to Virtual Hospice, you agree to abide by our policies
    • We agree to protect your privacy. See our Privacy Policy.
  9. Report misuse.
    • Report any offensive, abusive, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable postings to the Community Moderator at info@virtualhospice.ca


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