Palliative Manitoba

Adresse 2109 Portage Ave
Ville Winnipeg
Province / Territoire / État Manitoba
Code postal / Code postal américain R3J 0L3
Pays Canada
Téléphone 204-889-8525 or 1-800-539-0295 (Toll free)
Numéro de télécopieur 204-888-8874
Adresse courriel

Palliative Manitoba is a registered charity that is keenly focused on improving living until the end of life. Palliative Manitoba programs and services are aimed at supporting individuals and their families in many different ways; first as a resource when they are introduced to Palliative Care, next as they move through their palliative journey to their final days and final hours. Our support for adults and children continues through the grief process; during telephone conversations, support groups, in grief seminars and via monthly bereavement messages. Their educational services include training for volunteers, support workers, health care aides and the general public. Palliative Manitoba also expanded their education component to rural communities with sessions on bereavement support.

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Programmes et services

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