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Chagrin et deuil
About Grief: Insights, Setbacks, Grace Notes, Taboos Covers a wide range of the issues related to grief in a practical and truthful manner. Used by grief groups.
African American Grief By capturing stories and observing practices, the authors reveal how racism affects quality of life, the manner and rate...
As Big as it Gets: Supporting a Child when a Parent is Seriously Ill This booklet provides a range of ideas for parents and carers so that they feel able to involve their children in what is...
Catching Your Breath in Grief ... and grace will lead you home A combination of text and photography offers understanding, comfort, and hope to grieving persons and those who care for...
Deconstruction/Reconstruction: A grief journal for teens The Dougy Center's first journal specially created for grieving teens.   Whether a teen has experienced the death of a parent,...
Disenfranchised Grief: New Directions, Challenges, and Strategies This book focuses on the kind of grief that is not openly acknowledged, socially validated, or publicly mourned. It addresses...
Good Grief, Supporting the Bereaved Student Developed by Hospice Calgary staff with the assistance of a Calgary Board of Education Specialist, a high school guidance...
Grief, Loss, and Dementia workbook This workbook discusses ways for caregivers to understand and manage their feelings of grief and loss, to care for themselves...
The Group: Seven Widowed Fathers Reimagine Life On a mid-October evening, a group of fathers gathered around a conference table and met each other for the first time. None...
The Handbook for Companioning the Mourner This inspiring handbook explores Dr. Wolfelt's "companioning" model of grief care and contrasts with the traditional "treatment"...
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