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La mort et le mourir
Being Mortal Gawande presents a detailed, but highly readable history of how the meaning of death has changed over the past fifty or sixty...
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death Using a Buddhist approach to death, the author affirms that we can open and contact our inner strength, and that we can help...
The Best Care Possible - A Physician's Quest to Transform Care Through the End of Life Dr. Ira Byock, one of the foremost palliative-care physicians in the United States iluminates one of the most important and...
Conversations on Dying: A Palliative Care Pioneer Faces His Own Death Dr. Larry Librach was a well known  leader in the field of Palliative Care, including being the Director of the Tammy Latner...
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved Kate Bowler is a professor at Duke Divinity School with a modest Christian upbringing, but she specializes in the study of...
The Four Things that Matter Most: A Book About Living Four simple phrases can help us through the unpredictability of daily life.
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