National Advisory Committee

Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov is known around the world for his research into the emotional and psychological needs of dying patients. His work exploring dignity in palliative care has been published in journals such as The Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Journal.


Serge Dumont, PhD, is full professor and head of the School of Social Work at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, and adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta. Dr. Dumont co-founded the Maison Michel Sarrazin interdisciplinary research team in 1997.


Dr. Fassbender is an assistant professor in the Division of Palliative Care Medicine, an adjunct assistant professor in the School of Public Health and a Fellow of the Institute of Public Economics at the University of Alberta.


Dr. Pierre Gagnon is a psychiatrist specialized in psychoncology, in psychosomatic medicine and geropsychiatry psychiatry. Clinician at three different centers, the CHU de Québec – Université Laval, the CUISSS-Capitale-Nationale and the Maison Michel Sarrazin, Dr. Gagnon works as a researcher at the Laval University Cancer Research Center and the Research center of the CHU de Québec – Université Laval, but he is also the head of the department of psychiatry and neurosciences at the Faculty of medicine at Laval University.


Dr. Jadad holds the Canada Research Chair in eHealth Innovation and the Rose Family Chair in Supportive Care at the University of Toronto and the University Health Network, where he is the Chief Innovator and Founder of the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation.


Jay Lynch is a registered rurse with an eclectic blend of education and experience in the use of information and communication technologies to address challenges in health care delivery. During his 30-year career in health care, Jay has held both clinical and administrative positions in Canadian teaching hospitals.


Dr. José Pereira is the head and a full professor of the Division of Palliative Care at the University of Ottawa and Medical Chief of the Palliative Care programs at Bruyère Continuing Care and The Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa.

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