Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : Dr. Joanne Wolfe: Is there ever a role for the unilateral DNR order in pediatric care? A palliative care perspective
Organisme : Children's Mercy Bioethics Center
Date de l’événement : mars 29, 2016 to mars 29, 2016 1 Hour
Lieu : , Autres,
Code postal :
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Personne-ressource :
Public cible : Professionnels de la santé
Catégorie : Cours en ligne
Détails :

Dr. Joanne Wolfe is the Chief of the Division of Pediatric Palliative Care in the Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and the Director of Palliative Care at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), and is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. She holds an MD degree (1990) from Harvard Medical School and an MPH (1998) from the Harvard School of Public Health. The Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT), the palliative care service which she directs, received a 2001 Citation of Honor from the American Hospital Association’s Circle of Life Awards program for its innovative approach to caring for children with life-threatening illness.

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